CFJ Referral Program
Terms & Condition of the program:
- Welcome to “CFJ Referral Program''. This is a program organized by Car From Japan Co., Ltd. (website: This program is solely sponsored by the Car From Japan Co., Ltd. as a part of its marketing efforts.
- How it works:
- When someone joins the campaign, they receive their unique COUPON (referral coupon) & become an introducer.
- Anyone can be an introducer, no need to buy a car or spend any money.
- In the website, a new user can use the COUPON & receive US $50 OFF (discount) on any car available on the website.
- For every successful purchase by a user using the COUPON, the related introducer will receive US $50.
- Roles: Introducer (who introduces, the campaign participant), buyer (potential buyer, who is introduced by the introducer & uses the CODE to get a discount on the first purchase)
- Introducer related detailed information:
- Role: Being an introducer (who introduces the campaign participant), your role is to spread the COUPON as much as possible. Anytime some users use your COUPON on to buy any car, they will get US $50 OFF. Once the order is completed, you will also get US $50 for that referral.
- Limit: there is no limit on how much you can earn or how many referrals you can make.
- Validity: To be a valid referral that will give you the kick-back, the buyer must be a new buyer (verified by buyer information) at & his order must be completed.
- Expiry: Please make sure to request using/withdrawal within 2 years since the earnings were deposited to your account. All amounts you earn via this program are subject to a 2 years using/ withdrawal period, since the receipt of the amount.
- Tax: The introducer is responsible for any tax liability, in accordance with the regulations of his/ her country.
- Allocation: When the order is completed (= original document of the car is sent to the buyer), the related amount will be available for you to withdraw or use.
- Earning Referral Amount Status:
- Ongoing (= Buyer made payment, transaction is not completed yet)
- Successful (= US $50 amount reflected to introducer’s account)
- Canceled (= Buyer took a refund & transaction was canceled)
- Withdraw or Use:
- You can request a withdrawal/using request anytime. (available in the campaign dashboard)
- Withdraw related:
- PayPal: No transfer fee. Other fee is on PayPal terms.
- International Bank transfer: US $50 processing fee/ time
- Japanese Banks: Transfer to a Japanese bank account is Free.
- Use related: You can use your available amount to discount your/your friend’s orders at website. This amount can be applied with other coupons/programs.
- Buyer related detailed information:
- Role: You are a potential buyer & using the coupon shared with you, you can get US $50 discount on any car you buy at To get the discount, simply use the COUPON while ordering the car (same place as coupon code input). If your inserted coupon is correct, the system will recognize your input & discount the payable price by US $50.
- Limit: Referral coupon discount is applicable for the 1st purchase of any new buyer. If the buyer had purchased a car from before, the buyer is not eligible for the program discount.
- Campaign related detailed information:
- Validity period: This program is valid from 2023-Dec-14. The end date of this program will be notified later. All your earnings will still be valid after the program ends, until the end of the withdrawal/using period.The organizers will notify app participants 1 month before the “end date”, via the campaign page & by the email you used to register for the campaign.
- Processing time: Processing time for admin tasks is expected to be within 2 weeks.
- 1 coupon per transaction: Users can not combine this campaign coupon with other coupons.
- Fraudulent activity: Any attempt to manipulate the referral program or engage in fraudulent activities will result in disqualification. reserves the right to withhold rewards and take necessary action against individuals involved in fraudulent behavior. In case of any disputes, the final decision shall rest with & if needed, will be resolved under Japanese law.
- Authority: This is a campaign organized by Car From Japan Co., Ltd. & Car From Japan Co., Ltd. hold full authority over this campaign.
- Modification of Rule, Terms & Condition: The rules of this referral program are published on the website reserves the right to modify, adjust, or amend these rules and related provisions. Any changes to the rules will be announced and posted on website.
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