
  • Total activity 20
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Latest activity by Ken
  • Ken created an article,

    ETD and ETA

    ETD means “Estimated Time of Departure” & ETA means “Estimated Time of Arrival”.

  • Ken created an article,

    Inquiry Thread

    An inquiry thread is the place where you communicate with us and can view the total history of conversation related to a purchase. Every inquiry thread has a unique number. Please feel free to use ...

  • Ken created an article,

    Domestic Selling Price (DSP)

    Domestic (inside JAPAN) Selling Price includes... 1) Car price, 2) Consumption tax (8%) 3) Domestic transportation until the delivery destination mentioned in the invoice 4) Recycle Fee   & does no...

  • Ken created an article,

    “Shipment Confirmation” email

    When you have successfully paid for a product and we have already shipped the product to your indicated destination, we will send you an email with product and shipping details. This email is calle...

  • Ken created an article,

    “Payment Confirmation” email

    When we receive your money for a product, we will send you an email with payment confirmation with related product details. This email is called “payment confirmation” email.

  • Ken created an article,


    An invoice is a payment request from us to you, for a certain product. The Invoice we issue is a very powerful document, because it reserves the related product for you, as long as you meet the pay...

  • Ken created an article,

    CIF Price

    CIF price means that, Car From Japan will pay for the cost until the final destination port, in prior to the custom clearance condition. Car From Japan will make sure that the product gets shipped ...

  • Ken created an article,

    FOB Price

    FOB price does not include shipping outside Japan or shipping insurance. FOB price includes product price, domestic transportation and custom clearance in Japan.

  • Ken created an article,

    T/T Copy

    T/T Copy is a short form of Telegraphic Transfer Copy, which is the payment receipt from your bank. When you pay for a product with an invoice issued by us, your bank will provide you a receipt of ...

  • Ken created an article,


    Bill of Lading is a document issued by the shipping company which certifies that the product has been shipped out and mentions product description & recipient.